I am a postdoc researcher in High-performance Computing group of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, mentored by Dr. Gokcen Kestor.
Research Interest
Compiler support for parallel computing and security improvement:
- High-performance compiler construction (with MLIR);
- Compiler static analysis and code transformation (with LLVM);
- Runtime optimization.
[LLVM-HPC’2021] Ruiqin Tian, Luanzheng Guo, Jiajia Li, Bin Ren, Gokcen Kestor. A High-Performance Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler in Multi-Level IR. The Seventh Annual Workshop on the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure in HPC, November 2021. (Full paper) Arxiv.
[WHPC’2020] Ruiqin Tian, Jiajia Li, Bin Ren, Gokcen Kestor. High-Performance Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler. The 11th International Women in High Performance Computing Workshop (WHPC), in conjunction with ACM/IEEE International Conference for High-Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC). 2020. (Poster)
[LCPC’2020] Erdal Mutlu, Ruiqin Tian, Bin Ren, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Roberto Gioiosa, Jacques Pienaar and Gokcen Kestor. COMET: A Domain-Specific Compilation of High-Performance Computational Chemistry. The 33rd Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), October, 2020. (Full paper) Arxiv
[ASE’2020] Hongyu Liu*, Ruiqin Tian*, Bin Ren, and Tongping Liu (*equal contribution). Prober: Practically Defending Overflows with Page Protection. The 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), September, 2020. (Acceptance Rate: 93/414 = 22.5%).
[CGO’19] Ruiqin Tian*, Junqiao Qiu*, Zhijia Zhao, Xu Liu, Bin Ren (* co-primary). Transforming Query Sequences for High-Throughput B+ Tree Processing on Many-core Processors. The 2019 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), February, 2019. (Acceptance Rate: 21/69 = 31%)
[JOCA’15] Ruiqin Tian, Jinzhao Wu, Ding Tang. Design and implementation of light-weight rules engine on IoT gateway. Journal of Computer Applications, 2015, 35(4): 1035-1039.
Awards and Services
- NSF Student Travel Grant CGO’19
- ASPLOS 2018 Student Travel Grants
- Outstanding Graduates (2012, Top 20/100)
- National Scholarship (2011, Top 1/200).
Sub-reviewer: ICS 2021, ICCD 2020, TPDS SS AI 2020, NPC 2020, BIGCOM 2019, ICCCN 2019, HIPS19, ipdrm17
Teaching Assistant: Computer Organization(Spring 2017), Simulation(Fall 2016), Data Structure (Fall 2015, Spring 2016).